Become a storytelling educator

Harness the power of stories for deep learning across all disciplines to become a more creative, innovative and effective educator.

Your students deserve the most creative, engaging and impactful learning experiences you can offer.

Brain science shows us that stories lead to effective & impactful deep learning.

Also, in a classroom or across an entire school, stories can be used to bring practices and experiences in line with your school’s mission & vision.

Promote your school, support your mission and equip your students for active global citizenship… all with stories

Connect with prospective families.

The stories you create, curate and share tell a lot about your school community and what you value. 

Learn how to share a narrative that celebrates and markets your strengths and your mission. 

Support your school’s mission for active global citizenship.

Equip students and teachers with skills to create and share stories to fulfill your school’s mission and vision related to active global citizenship.

At the same time, increase traditional and digital literacies and build global competencies for your students.

Foster deep listening & inclusion.

Learn how to create opportunities for your students, teachers, leaders & community partners to share stories, listen deeply and compassionately, and create safe and inclusive communities.

Story circles, story exchanges, story connections: embrace stories that change mindsets and build community.

For educational groups or networks, stories can celebrate what you do.

Do you need a storyteller to write and share your stories, manage your newsletter or mailer, and amplify what you do so you can grow your audience?

I’m a storyteller who helps organizations like yours!

"Having LeeAnne Lavender as a coach is an incredible experience. As we were developing and launching our project, she provided tailored and personalized resources and materials unique to our project's goals. We wouldn't have succeeded without her."

Mark Garcia, ES Teacher, California

Download my free Changemaker Superpower Kit for Teachers to transform your students into active global citizens